
May 23, 2014

Tips to 'keep it cool' if stress got you!


Stress and anxiety are two epidemics that the majority of persons suffer from. Nevertheless, you can manage how to attack them with these very easy realizable exercises in any place and even if you don't have too much time. Here we show you a few ways of relaxing in only five minutes!
We all know that any physical activity, and especially walking, helps the organism. If you feel stressed, try walking during five minutes. Once you've done it, you will be able to relax for the fact of being in a loneliness state of involuntary alert, that is to say, giving attention but at the same time thinking about a problem.
In yoga, breathing is the vital force, since it fulfills an important role on having our bodies nourished. Besides, it helps to lower stress due to the fact that it stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system and helps to receive a great quantity of oxygen. To relax, you can take a series of deep and slow breaths from the diaphragm area. Then, you can practice an alternating breathing technique like this one: First, cover the right nostril with your thumb and inhale. Then, cover the left nostril with the forefinger and exhale with the right nostril. Repeat several times with every side.
The National Institute of Health (NIH), recommends that every person should have his daily dose of daydream, since it helps to lower the level of stress. When you are nervous, imagine that you are in your favorite place or doing an activity that you like. First, place yourself in that dream place, and then incorporate every sensation that you would feel there. You will see that to transport yourself to a parallel reality will help you to lower the tension.
The stomach can help you to attacking the stress. Doctor Drew Ramsey, teacher of Columbia's University and author of " The Diet of Happiness ", affirmed that stress is a phenomenon happened between the brain and the immune system, and your stomach is the biggest organ of this system, so you must take care of it. When you are nervous, choose a snack and take it with you to a calm place. Once there, eat it in a meditative way, being conscious of its flavor, every sound that it does in your mouth and the rest of sensations that it generates in you.
Plants not only help to clean the air you breathe, but also they calm you. A study of the University of Washington State proposed to a group of very nervous persons that they should enter to a room replete with plants. A little time after entering the room, their blood pressure lowered 4 points, whereas only it lowered 2 points in those that did not enter.
According to a Gothenburg's University study in Sweden, the uninterrupted use of the computer is associated with the lack of sleep, stress and depression in women. On the other hand, the use of a computer before going to bed is also related, in men and women, to high levels of stress. Try to take breaks during your labour day if you use a computer at work, and try not to use a computer (or any other personal electronic device) at least an hour before going to sleep.
Solar light is of great help for those that suffer depression and does marvels with those persons who are stressed. When you feel nervous/stressed and it is a sunny day, go outside and enjoy a little sun. If you cannot go out where you are, try in spite to look out the window and center in some bird or tree that you see there. It isn't helpful to spy on the neighbours!
Sharon Melnick, author of " Success Under Stress ", indicates that if you feel some ugly tension, you must apply a bit of pressure in the union of the forefinger and thumb. This zone helps to liberate tensions in the heart. Also you can massage under the thumb to relax the muscles of the neck, the nape and the shoulders.
Classic music specially, has a soothing effect on people. Because of it, many people choose to listen to it before going to sleep. Nevertheless, if what you look is get rid of some stress, you must simply listen, hum or sing your favorite song. This neurochemistry will activate the so called hormone dopamine, which functions as a neurotransmitter and is responsible for the reward-motivated behavior.
Andrew Scholey, a teacher of the University of Melbourne, managed to give chewing gum another use. According to a study realized by him in 2008, chewing gum allows you to liberate your anxiety due to the fact that, while you chew, you reduce your cortisol levels, one of the hormones that generate stress.
During those moments of stress, your blood pressure increases. To lower it and, in consequence, to relax, you can eat a banana, a rich fruit in potassium, substance that allows to regulate blood pressure. Besides, the American Psychological Association recommends to consume it to anticipate the pernicious consequences of stress in your organism.
Honey, besides being a great antibiotic, has a series of components that produce glycogen. This substance is found in the liver, organ stimulated by the brain to generate new sugars when you're going thru a stressful moment. By eating honey, you feed your body with good sugars and this way you prevent the brain from generating stressful hormones, as adrenaline and cortisol.
When your worries are extracting the worse thing out of you, try to count backwards. Begin by number 10 and continue the inverse way up coming slowly up to number 1. By the end of this exercise, you will manage to feel an incredible sensation of peace.
The smell is one of the agents who stimulate the brain the most and, therefore, you can use it to your favor when you are stressed. Citrus fruits can help you relax your mind due to the fact that they increase segregation of a hormone called norepinephrine. Also you can smell coffee - yes, coffee!-, since the smell of this drink (or beans if available) allows to lower the quantity of a series of substances that generate stress. BUT, if you do not want stress any more, you must not drink it.
If you really want to suppress stress, LOL, LMAOO, ROTFLMAOOO... meaning, laugh loudly well a little (or a lot if possible) everyday. Laugh promotes generation of endorphins, a substance segregated by the brain that allows the sensation of satisfaction. You can remember a nice anecdote or visit some funny or joke pages on the Internet. This last one, will be able to support a sequence of healthy guffaws at any time (:

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