
May 13, 2015

The Military Diet is amazingly real...!

I am very sceptical when it comes to dieting but this diet has me believing and recommending it to everybody that is looking to get their weight back in track! I should warn you though, this is ONLY if you are concious about healthy eating habits. If you do this for 3 days and then go pig-out at Mc. D's or Burger King the remaining days then do not even waste your time.

It consists on following a strict low calorie diet for 3 days while consuming as much water as you can. If you do that exactly as it is described on the diet, you can loose up to 10 pounds in 3 days. Now, that is THEIR statement. My personal experience: I lost 5 pounds and felt like walking on clouds when my doctor told me about it! It could be pretty hard for who is not use to eat so little or for those who snack every 10 minutes (if not every second...!) at work, home or wherever they are. 

While doing this diet the first time, I felt like I was actually being forced to eat breakfast and lunch since I normally skip or eating little to nothing during this meals. Of course, it was not a full plate of eggs, bacon and pancakes for breakfast or rice, potatoes and steak for lunch but since I had to follow a strict list of specific foods, I actually had to feed myself in order to have successful results. And the shopping list is ridiculously small and inexpensive!!!

This blog is only a reference on a diet I tried and obtain positive results. You can always refer to their own website (here) where you will find the complete explanation on how the diet works and why you should do it, pros and cons, and other useful information. Here is a quick reference on the detailed 3-days meal plan for you guys. Hope you dare to try it and be as happy as I am with it! Peace...

1/2 Grapefruit
1 Slice of Toast
2 Tablespoons of Peanut Butter
1 cup Coffee or Tea (with caffeine)
1/2 Cup of Tuna
1 Slice of Toast
1 cup Coffee or Tea (with caffeine)
3 ounces of any type of meat
1 cup of green beans
1/2 banana
1 small apple
1 cup of vanilla ice cream

1 egg
1 slice of toast
1/2 banana
1 cup of cottage cheese
1 hard-boiled egg (or cooked however you like)
5 saltine crackers
2 hot dogs (without bun)
1 cup of broccoli
1/2 cup of carrots
1/2 banana
1/2 cup of vanilla ice cream

5 saltine crackers
1 slice of cheddar cheese
1 small apple
1 hard-boiled egg (or cooked however you like)
1 slice of toast
1 cup of tuna
1/2 banana
1 cup of vanilla ice cream

May 23, 2014

Tips to 'keep it cool' if stress got you!


Stress and anxiety are two epidemics that the majority of persons suffer from. Nevertheless, you can manage how to attack them with these very easy realizable exercises in any place and even if you don't have too much time. Here we show you a few ways of relaxing in only five minutes!
We all know that any physical activity, and especially walking, helps the organism. If you feel stressed, try walking during five minutes. Once you've done it, you will be able to relax for the fact of being in a loneliness state of involuntary alert, that is to say, giving attention but at the same time thinking about a problem.
In yoga, breathing is the vital force, since it fulfills an important role on having our bodies nourished. Besides, it helps to lower stress due to the fact that it stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system and helps to receive a great quantity of oxygen. To relax, you can take a series of deep and slow breaths from the diaphragm area. Then, you can practice an alternating breathing technique like this one: First, cover the right nostril with your thumb and inhale. Then, cover the left nostril with the forefinger and exhale with the right nostril. Repeat several times with every side.
The National Institute of Health (NIH), recommends that every person should have his daily dose of daydream, since it helps to lower the level of stress. When you are nervous, imagine that you are in your favorite place or doing an activity that you like. First, place yourself in that dream place, and then incorporate every sensation that you would feel there. You will see that to transport yourself to a parallel reality will help you to lower the tension.
The stomach can help you to attacking the stress. Doctor Drew Ramsey, teacher of Columbia's University and author of " The Diet of Happiness ", affirmed that stress is a phenomenon happened between the brain and the immune system, and your stomach is the biggest organ of this system, so you must take care of it. When you are nervous, choose a snack and take it with you to a calm place. Once there, eat it in a meditative way, being conscious of its flavor, every sound that it does in your mouth and the rest of sensations that it generates in you.
Plants not only help to clean the air you breathe, but also they calm you. A study of the University of Washington State proposed to a group of very nervous persons that they should enter to a room replete with plants. A little time after entering the room, their blood pressure lowered 4 points, whereas only it lowered 2 points in those that did not enter.
According to a Gothenburg's University study in Sweden, the uninterrupted use of the computer is associated with the lack of sleep, stress and depression in women. On the other hand, the use of a computer before going to bed is also related, in men and women, to high levels of stress. Try to take breaks during your labour day if you use a computer at work, and try not to use a computer (or any other personal electronic device) at least an hour before going to sleep.
Solar light is of great help for those that suffer depression and does marvels with those persons who are stressed. When you feel nervous/stressed and it is a sunny day, go outside and enjoy a little sun. If you cannot go out where you are, try in spite to look out the window and center in some bird or tree that you see there. It isn't helpful to spy on the neighbours!
Sharon Melnick, author of " Success Under Stress ", indicates that if you feel some ugly tension, you must apply a bit of pressure in the union of the forefinger and thumb. This zone helps to liberate tensions in the heart. Also you can massage under the thumb to relax the muscles of the neck, the nape and the shoulders.
Classic music specially, has a soothing effect on people. Because of it, many people choose to listen to it before going to sleep. Nevertheless, if what you look is get rid of some stress, you must simply listen, hum or sing your favorite song. This neurochemistry will activate the so called hormone dopamine, which functions as a neurotransmitter and is responsible for the reward-motivated behavior.
Andrew Scholey, a teacher of the University of Melbourne, managed to give chewing gum another use. According to a study realized by him in 2008, chewing gum allows you to liberate your anxiety due to the fact that, while you chew, you reduce your cortisol levels, one of the hormones that generate stress.
During those moments of stress, your blood pressure increases. To lower it and, in consequence, to relax, you can eat a banana, a rich fruit in potassium, substance that allows to regulate blood pressure. Besides, the American Psychological Association recommends to consume it to anticipate the pernicious consequences of stress in your organism.
Honey, besides being a great antibiotic, has a series of components that produce glycogen. This substance is found in the liver, organ stimulated by the brain to generate new sugars when you're going thru a stressful moment. By eating honey, you feed your body with good sugars and this way you prevent the brain from generating stressful hormones, as adrenaline and cortisol.
When your worries are extracting the worse thing out of you, try to count backwards. Begin by number 10 and continue the inverse way up coming slowly up to number 1. By the end of this exercise, you will manage to feel an incredible sensation of peace.
The smell is one of the agents who stimulate the brain the most and, therefore, you can use it to your favor when you are stressed. Citrus fruits can help you relax your mind due to the fact that they increase segregation of a hormone called norepinephrine. Also you can smell coffee - yes, coffee!-, since the smell of this drink (or beans if available) allows to lower the quantity of a series of substances that generate stress. BUT, if you do not want stress any more, you must not drink it.
If you really want to suppress stress, LOL, LMAOO, ROTFLMAOOO... meaning, laugh loudly well a little (or a lot if possible) everyday. Laugh promotes generation of endorphins, a substance segregated by the brain that allows the sensation of satisfaction. You can remember a nice anecdote or visit some funny or joke pages on the Internet. This last one, will be able to support a sequence of healthy guffaws at any time (:

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Jul 15, 2008

Hair Tricks

When there’s no time to blow-dry: Part damp hairs, pull it into a low ponytail, and braid the ends (to tame big, natural curls) or twist them in to a bun (to create waves in straight hair). Let hair air-dry for a few hours, then undo it, spritz it with hair spray, and comb fingers through the ends to tousle the waves.

If you have straight bangs: Blow them dry (without the diffuser), aiming the nozzle at the part, so the bangs fall to one side. Pin them to the side, then pull a few strands over the bobby pin to cover it. If your bangs are too short to pin, coat them with gel or hair spray and blow-dry (on low speed) to the side.

To make waves last in fine hair: Spritz the damp buns with hair spray before drying completely. Be careful not o touch the ends any more than necessary; oils from your hand can weigh hair down.

To keep the top looking smooth: Throughout the evening, wet palms and lightly run them over the top to reactivate the styling products.

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Sep 25, 2007

For Healthy and Shiny hair

1. It is better to apply castor oil for a healthy growth of hair.

2. Wash hair with tea once a week.

3. Soak a handful of gooseberry in a cup of milk for two hours. Make it as a paste and apply in the hair.

4. Apply the mixture of an egg white, 2 spoon of castor oil, 1 spoon glycerin, in the scalp and hair. Wash it after some time.

5. Massage hair with warm coconut oil an hour before washing. Let it soak. Cover your head with a hot towel and wash your hair after an hour or so.

6. Boil a few hibiscus flowers in coconut oil. Filter and use this hair oil to control hair loss and thinning.

7. Do a 'steam-towel-wrap' once in a while, if your cuticles are damaged, as this steaming opens out the pores and absorbs the oil.

8. Deep condition with curd, beer and egg.

9. Mix a little vinegar in warm water and rinse your hair with this solution. This will add bounce to dull and lifeless hair.

10. Soak 1 teaspoon fenugreek in curd and keep it for a night. Have it in the next morning.

11. Boil coconut oil with the juices of curry leaves, basil, hibiscus flower and gooseberry. Apply on hair, keep it for sometime and rinse.

12. Egg white and curd is a good conditioner for hair.

13. Take a cup of coconut and mustard oils. Soak half a cup of curry leaves in the oil mixture and keep it for a night. Next morning, heat on a slow fire till the curry leaves turn crisp. Remove from heat and add two to three camphor balls. Allow oil to cool and then strain. Apply oil to hair roots using cotton wool along the parting and massage in circular movements. Leave the oil overnight and shampoo the next morning. Repeat twice a week.

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Sep 24, 2007

@ Home Exfoliators

Some of the best exfoliators can be made by yourself using ingredients you might already have in the house. Try these natural and homemade exfoliators to keep your skin looking healthy.

•A paste of oatmeal and water makes a good facial scrub.
•Sea salt can be rubbing on skin.
•Make up a mixture of baking soda and water, using the same amount of each. Rub into your skin.
•Mix some sugar into some olive oil.

If making your own exfoliators seems too messy or difficult, you can find ready-made natural and organic exfoliators at cosmetic counters, pharmacists and health food stores. Look for products that say exfoliator or face scrub. For something special, try RX products. Some RX face creams exfoliate as well as moisturize.

Natural Face Masks
Many facemasks can be made at home. Natural ingredients you may have in your fridge can be used to make some of the best facemasks. Fruit masks are particularly good for oily skin. Try some of these to keep your skin nourished.

•Mash banana with honey and apply to your skin. Leave for ten minutes.
•Combine cucumber and yoghurt. Add some honey if you wish. Leave for twenty minutes.
•Mash avocado and apply to your face. Leave for twenty minutes. This is a good facemask for dry skin. You can also add honey.
•Mix strawberries with honey. Leave on your skin for fifteen minutes.
•Mash some grapes and apply to your skin. Add some oatmeal or almond meal for more texture.

Haldi facemasks combine turmeric with rose water or milk. It is also supposed to reduce the appearance of fine hair. A haldi facemask is not suitable for people with sensitive skin.

It is easy to create your own recipes, using some of the ingredients that make good facemasks. Use fruits, yoghurt, honey and oatmeal.

The Benefits of Using Natural Face Masks and Exfoliators
Facial exfoliators and facemasks are generally very easy to make and use. They can be made using ingredients that are in the fridge or cupboard. As an added bonus, they are less expensive that the products that can be bought at stores. Some of these facemasks and exfoliators (like haldi facemasks) have been used for centuries and their positive effects on the skin are well known. Be creative when making your own facial exfoliators and facemasks. Try different ingredients and see which ones work best.

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Manicure at home

Don't pay a stranger for a manicure when you can pamper yourself at home following this easy steps to a beautiful hands!

1. Shape or file the nails. You should never use a file on wet finger nails. Just as your hair is weaker and requires more care when it is wet, the same holds true for fingernails. There are four basic nail shapes: square, round, oval and pointed. The nail should be shaped to conform to the shape of the finger. The oval shape works well for most hands. Men, or people who do a lot of work with their hands, may prefer to wear their nails shorter and more rounded to avoid nail breakage. File each nail from the corner to the center, going from left to right and then right to left. Don't slide the file back and forth over the tip of your nail and don't over file the sides of the nail, this will lead to weakening and breaking.

2. Soak hands in a bowl of soapy water to soften any dry skin or rough cuticles. Soak hands for 5-10 minutes, depending on your preference and the condition of the hands. If you have dry skin, you should soak your hands in a thick hand cream or Vaseline instead of the water solution. Apply a thick coat of the cream or Vaseline over your hands, wrap your hands in gloves or saran wrap, and allow them to set for 10-15 minutes.

3. Apply a combination of soap and salt or sugar to exfoliate the hands. You can pour the salt or sugar over your soapy hands or make a mixture of soap and salt/sugar in a bowl. The mixture should be of a thick consistency. An exfoliating cream can be used in place of the salt/sugar mixture, if you would prefer. The exfoliating mixture will remove any old, dry skin cells and leave your hands feeling softer. This step is best done at a sink to minimize the mess. Generously rub the exfoliating mixture over hands and around nails for several minutes. Rinse hands.

4. Gently dry hands with a clean towel. Rub the cuticle area of each finger with the edge of the towel.

5. Gently push back the cuticle of each nail with a cuticle pusher or orangewood stick. Never cut your cuticles, this can cause pain and infection. If you have any hangnails or loose pieces of skin around the nails or cuticles, you may trim them very carefully with cuticle trimmers or fingernail clippers. Use the cuticle pusher to clean underneath each nail.

6. Apply a good amount of hand lotion to each hand and massage it into your skin. Using one hand, massage the palm of the other hand, working the lotion into your skin. Using the thumb of the opposing hand, massage around each cuticle and nail. Slowly rotate each finger, and then rotate the wrist. Gently twist the fingers of the opposing hand up and down each finger. Work the lotion up to the elbow, massaging the arm. Switch to the other hand.

7. Wipe any extra lotion off of the hands with a clean, dry towel. Rub towel gently over each nail and around each cuticle to remove any excess lotion.

8. Apply polish or clear coat. Let the polish dry, and then apply the second coat. Giving yourself a manicure once a week will keep your hands looking healthier and younger.

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Sep 19, 2007

7 Lies About Nutrition

(As seen in

1. The food pyramid is for everyone. For many people, six to eleven daily servings of grains, breads and cereals is just too much. It has been known to cause bloat, fat and ill health.

2. There is a perfect diet that will work for everyone. Some people do fabulously well on vegetarian diets, and some people crash and burn. One size only fits the people who come in that size.

3. All low-carb diets are like the Atkins Diet. There are many ways to get the healthful, weight reducing benefits of eating fewer carbs without going on the Atkins plan.

4. Stress does not make you fat. The truth is that the stress hormone cortisol leads to carbohydrate cravings and overeating, as well as to abdominal fat.

5. Metabolisms are all pretty similar. Metabolisms have as great a range as cars. Some of us are Jaguars and some of us are SUVs. You need to match the right kind of gas (food) with the right kind of engine (metabolism).

6. Blood type does not make a difference. Actually, blood type does play a part in weight loss. People with certain blood types are more likely to be allergic or sensitive to certain foods. Those with type O, for example, are far more likely than other types to be hypersensitive to dairy.

7. A balanced diet will provide you with everything you need. It's possible to have reasonable health without supplements, but it's virtually impossible to have optimal health without them.

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Free Figure Flatterer

Go to and for free you can get advice on what to wear and best accesories to combine your outfits depend on your body type. Is a great tool everybody can rely on! Visit the page today!

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Sep 11, 2007

13 Days Diet

Many people say that after doing this diet the classic 'rebound' comes and the results are disastrous. In my opinion and with the experience of having realized this diet (that is delicious certainly) more than 3 times, I just have three things to say: First, follow the diet exactly for thirteen days…NO CHEATING! ; Second, eat moderately and, if you want, take some plates that are a part of the diet. LET PASS AT LEAST 1 MONTH TO TRY IT AGAIN and, third, exercise regularly. If you do not want to follow a regime of exercises, walk everyday increasing speed and distance. That will help to keep you healthy.

NOTE: If you do not like black coffee, you can replace it by any type of tea and take it without adding sugar. Enjoy!

Breakfast: All the unsweetened black coffee you want.
Lunch: 2 boiled eggs, boiled spinach with a hint of salt. (You can eat all the spinach you want)
Dinner: 1 large steak with green salad. (You can eat all the salad you want).

Breakfast: Unsweetened Black coffee and 1 toast
Lunch: 1 large steak with green salad and fruit, all you want.
Dinner: Ham and green salad, all you want.

Breakfast: Unsweetened Black coffee and 1 toast
Lunch: 2 boiled eggs with beans and tomato salad, all you want.
Dinner: Ham and green salad, all you want.

Breakfast: Unsweetened Black coffee and 1 toast
Lunch: 1 boiled egg with carrots and gruyere cheese, all you want
Dinner: 1 medium bowl of fruit salad and 1 diet yogurt.

Breakfast: Carrots with a hint of lime and unsweetened black coffee, all you want.
Lunch: Baked white fish and tomato salad. All you want.
Dinner: 1 large steak and green salad, all you want.

Breakfast: Unsweetened Black coffee and 1 toast
Lunch: Grilled chicken, all you want
Dinner: 2 boiled eggs and carrots, all you want.

Breakfast: Unsweetened iced or hot tea with lemon.
Lunch: 1 large steak, grilled and all the fruit you want to eat.
Dinner: Whatever you would like to eat.

From the seventh day, you start the diet again until the thirteen days are completed

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Steps to a succesful diet.

Buy a digital scale and weight yourself everyday.
Especially before starting a diet, and manually logging your weight everyday.

Drink 8 glasses of water everyday.
It will help you feel less hungry. To make it easier, have on hand a pint glass that holds 16 ounces, and drink two pints during the morning and two pints in the afternoon.

Make your diet public.
Don’t be ashamed of yourself. Tell people you’re on a diet. It will increase your accountability. Remember that you are on a diet for you.

Don’t diet on the weekend.
Celebrate your weekly success during the weekend. Just don’t let the celebration go too far!

Don’t sacrifice your life for your diet.
There will be times when you just can’t eat healthy. Exchange that day for one day during your weekend.

Make small changes.
Change to low-calories options of your favorites. Also, make small changes in your life: park further away, don’t take the elevator, etc.

If you have a gym membership, find the time to go. If not, go for a walk; play with the kids, etc. There’s so many ways to have a good workout without paying an expensive membership. Lots of websites offer free online tutorials and classes on Pilates, Yoga, Belly Dancing, etc.

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Free 'Zumba'

Zumba is a great way to help lose weight and tone your body. Is also very expensive pay more than $80.00 for a set of DVD's just to dance. Instead, search the Internet for FREE zumba videos; find them @ youtube or evillage. This last one has great tutorials on everything and best of all, is always free! I start my belly dancing basics thanks to evillage and my schedule everyday includes 1 hour of pilates and 30 minutes of zumba classes and I never pay a cent for it!!!

Technology is great! Start using it smart! You can also find great recipes to add to your diet on web pages like LA Weight Loss for example. You don't need to sign up for the program to get the full recipe.

Enjoy the advantages of having a computer with internet access. It's just sweet!!!!!

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Sep 7, 2007

Mascara 101

What You Need to Know About Mascara

We've compiled a list of great mascara tips & tricks to share with you. Follow these and you'll save money, look prettier and your eyes will appear brighter and wider.

Tip #1: How to use a lash comb. For some, lash combs are simply too fussy. But for some makeup artists, they're a great invention and keep lashes glob-free and perfectly separated. So, how to use it? Apply mascara at the lash base. Then wiggle the lash comb through to the tips of your lashes. Not into the lash comb? Get rid of clumps without them by removing excess mascara from the wand. Wipe wand on tissue, this eliminates blobs BEFORE you start.

Tip #2: Try a clean mascara wand. Sweep a clean, fresh mascara wand through lashes when they're wet. Don't worry; you don't have to buy them. When you finish mascara, clean the wand in a capful of eye makeup remover, then wash with soap and dry. Keep it clean by washing it whenever you wash your makeup tools.

Tip #3: Don't shy away from colored mascara. Basic mascara rules are simple: Black works for everyone but can be harsh on blondes. Blondes should opt for brown/black by day and reserve black for night. Blue mascara, however, can brighten blue eyes while purple mascara makes brown eyes pop.

Tip #4: When applying mascara, wiggle the wand at the base of the lashes. It's the mascara placed near the roots (not the tips) that gives the illusion of length.

Tip #5: Thin, short brushes are best. A thinner brush allows you to get into the corner of eyes. Short brushes give you more control.

Tip #6: Give a few coats to the edges by blinking. Blink onto the brush to give ends an extra coat.

Tip #7: Powder under the eye before applying mascara. Sometimes mascara smudges because it's attracted to oily concealer or eye creams.

Tip #8: Use an eyelash curler Curling lashes gives eyes the appearance of being wider and brighter. Shoot warm air from your blow dryer on the mascara curler for 3-5 seconds to warm it up before curling lashes. Touch it first to make sure it's not too hot. It's a myth that you have to curl lashes before you apply mascara. You can curl lashes after mascara application; just make sure the mascara is dry first.

Tip #9: Zigzag the wand. Zigzagging the wand back and forth during application helps cut down clumps.

Tip #10: For a dramatic look, apply mascara only to the upper lashes. To make eyes seem wider, apply to the bottom, too. But make sure you give lashes a light touch. Not great at getting those bottom lashes? Try putting a tissue under them before application.

Tip #11: Use a mascara primer. Primers coat lashes and separate them before you apply mascara. Makeup artists swear by mascara primer. I tried it and like it, but because it's an added step, I usually use primer only on special occasion when I spend more time on my makeup.

Tip #12: Want that 2nd coat? Just make sure to do it before the first coat dries, otherwise you'll get clumps.

Tip #13: Do NOT pump wand in and out of the tube. This only introduces air into the tube, which will cause your mascara to dry out sooner than it should.

Tip #14: Another smudge-proof tip -- bend the wand. A top makeup artist once gave his secret to his steady hand: he always bends his wand at a right angle.

Tip #15: Wait five seconds before blinking. You don't want to paint your lids, do you?

Now you can start 'eye flirting'...

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Eyebrows 101

Your eyebrows are the top of the frame of your face. By their shape and style, they can highlight your eyes, make you look more awake and refreshed and, even take a few years off your appearence. Follow this simple steps to a beautiful eyebrows! (As shown in Allure-Sept '04 Issue)

1. To ensure that your brow pencil looks natural, select a shade the matches or is slightly lighter than your natural hair color - except for fair blondes, who should get a shade or two darker.

2. Use a brow brush or a lash comb to brush brow hair up and out. Use the pencil in short, feathered strokes to fill in any gaps or spaces. The pencil will also thicken the hairs a little to provide a fuller appearance. If you have thin brows, you may not desire a fuller look, so only use the pencil to fill in any space you may have as sparingly as possible.

3. After brows are combed, you can see if there are any unrulky hairs that need to be removed. Remember, line your finger on the side of your nose from the inside corner of your eye (brow should not go onto the bridge of the nose inside that "line") and then upwards from the outside corner of your eye (brow should not extend outward from that point). Remember, too, that the high point of your arch should be parallel to the outside edge of your iris - not your pupil. Use a pair of slanted, preferably stainless steel, tweezers to pluck any unwanted hairs.

4. Define brows by brushing on brow powder (for fair hair and brunettes), or even an eyeshadow (for dark hair).

5. When travelling or extremely active, use a tinted or clear gel for brows to keep them in place.

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Fragrances 101


1. Try them! But no more than three cause after that, your sense of smell becomes "exhausted" and you'll be confused.

2. Love the scent your best friend wears? Try it yourself before you buy. Fragrances mingles with your own body's chemistry and may smell different on different people.

3. Wait at least 10 minutes before making up your mind. That allows time for the alcohol in the scent to evaporate, and for the fragrance to blend with your own skin.


1. Fragrance rises. Don't just apply behind your ears or on your neck. Try in the crook of your elbow, behind your knees, etc. Try it on the palms of your hands!

2. Once is not enough. Fragrance lasts between 3 and 4 hours, depending on the strength of the concentration (perfume lasts the longest, then eau de parfum, eau de toilette, and cologne). You'll need to re-apply during the day. Women with dry skin may find that they need to re-apply even more often.

3. Only spray fragrance on your hair if it's freshly shampooed. Oils and dirt may distort the scent. Don't use fragrance on your hair if it is extremely dry or brittle.

4. If you live at a high altitude, you'll need to re-apply more often. Or you can try a more concentrated version, or a more intense scent.

5. Keep fragrance at arm's length. No one standing more than an arms' length away should be able to smell your fragrance.


1. Fragrance and sun don't mix. If you're going to be outside, make sure that you don't have fragrance on areas of your body that will be exposed to the sun.

2. Go light! Many women look for a lighter scent for warmer weather, or a less concentrated version of their favorite fragrance. Nice types for warm weather: citrus, floral, or spicy scents.

3. Keep your fragrance in the fridge for real refreshment. (Unless you wear perfume.)


* Don't save your fragrance for special occasions, wear it every day! Fragrance will evaporate and change once it's opened. Keep it fresh by storing in a cool, dry place away from the sun.

* Don't apply fragrance directly to clothing, it may stain. Instead, add a few drops to the rinse cycle of your laundry. Or spray your ironing board.

* Spray cotton balls with fragrance and tuck them into drawers and closets.

* Spray your sheets and pillows for the sweetest dreams!

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Sep 6, 2007

Does my make up ever expire?

Like the milk on your refrigerator, they do too. Let this list guide you and then go over your make up bag and start cleaning!

Eye makeup: Replace liquid products every six months; toss powder shadows and pencils after a year. If you get an eye infection, trash everything and start from scratch.

Mascara: Replace every three months.

Powder blush: Replace every year, or if you see flaking or clumping.

Loose powder
: Replace every year.

Foundation and concealer
: Replace every six months, or if the liquid separates or begins to smell funny.

Lipstick: Replace every two years, or if the color or smell changes, or you see oil beads on the sides of the lipstick bullet.

Nail polish: Throw away any polishes that have separated. (Keeping polish in the fridge doesn't prolong its life.)

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