
Sep 24, 2007

@ Home Exfoliators

Some of the best exfoliators can be made by yourself using ingredients you might already have in the house. Try these natural and homemade exfoliators to keep your skin looking healthy.

•A paste of oatmeal and water makes a good facial scrub.
•Sea salt can be rubbing on skin.
•Make up a mixture of baking soda and water, using the same amount of each. Rub into your skin.
•Mix some sugar into some olive oil.

If making your own exfoliators seems too messy or difficult, you can find ready-made natural and organic exfoliators at cosmetic counters, pharmacists and health food stores. Look for products that say exfoliator or face scrub. For something special, try RX products. Some RX face creams exfoliate as well as moisturize.

Natural Face Masks
Many facemasks can be made at home. Natural ingredients you may have in your fridge can be used to make some of the best facemasks. Fruit masks are particularly good for oily skin. Try some of these to keep your skin nourished.

•Mash banana with honey and apply to your skin. Leave for ten minutes.
•Combine cucumber and yoghurt. Add some honey if you wish. Leave for twenty minutes.
•Mash avocado and apply to your face. Leave for twenty minutes. This is a good facemask for dry skin. You can also add honey.
•Mix strawberries with honey. Leave on your skin for fifteen minutes.
•Mash some grapes and apply to your skin. Add some oatmeal or almond meal for more texture.

Haldi facemasks combine turmeric with rose water or milk. It is also supposed to reduce the appearance of fine hair. A haldi facemask is not suitable for people with sensitive skin.

It is easy to create your own recipes, using some of the ingredients that make good facemasks. Use fruits, yoghurt, honey and oatmeal.

The Benefits of Using Natural Face Masks and Exfoliators
Facial exfoliators and facemasks are generally very easy to make and use. They can be made using ingredients that are in the fridge or cupboard. As an added bonus, they are less expensive that the products that can be bought at stores. Some of these facemasks and exfoliators (like haldi facemasks) have been used for centuries and their positive effects on the skin are well known. Be creative when making your own facial exfoliators and facemasks. Try different ingredients and see which ones work best.

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