
Sep 7, 2007

Fragrances 101


1. Try them! But no more than three cause after that, your sense of smell becomes "exhausted" and you'll be confused.

2. Love the scent your best friend wears? Try it yourself before you buy. Fragrances mingles with your own body's chemistry and may smell different on different people.

3. Wait at least 10 minutes before making up your mind. That allows time for the alcohol in the scent to evaporate, and for the fragrance to blend with your own skin.


1. Fragrance rises. Don't just apply behind your ears or on your neck. Try in the crook of your elbow, behind your knees, etc. Try it on the palms of your hands!

2. Once is not enough. Fragrance lasts between 3 and 4 hours, depending on the strength of the concentration (perfume lasts the longest, then eau de parfum, eau de toilette, and cologne). You'll need to re-apply during the day. Women with dry skin may find that they need to re-apply even more often.

3. Only spray fragrance on your hair if it's freshly shampooed. Oils and dirt may distort the scent. Don't use fragrance on your hair if it is extremely dry or brittle.

4. If you live at a high altitude, you'll need to re-apply more often. Or you can try a more concentrated version, or a more intense scent.

5. Keep fragrance at arm's length. No one standing more than an arms' length away should be able to smell your fragrance.


1. Fragrance and sun don't mix. If you're going to be outside, make sure that you don't have fragrance on areas of your body that will be exposed to the sun.

2. Go light! Many women look for a lighter scent for warmer weather, or a less concentrated version of their favorite fragrance. Nice types for warm weather: citrus, floral, or spicy scents.

3. Keep your fragrance in the fridge for real refreshment. (Unless you wear perfume.)


* Don't save your fragrance for special occasions, wear it every day! Fragrance will evaporate and change once it's opened. Keep it fresh by storing in a cool, dry place away from the sun.

* Don't apply fragrance directly to clothing, it may stain. Instead, add a few drops to the rinse cycle of your laundry. Or spray your ironing board.

* Spray cotton balls with fragrance and tuck them into drawers and closets.

* Spray your sheets and pillows for the sweetest dreams!

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